Toyoshi Satow, Chancellor of J. F. Oberlin University and Affiliated Schools, visited the United Nations Headquarters in New York City and met Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary-General of the UN, at the beginning of February.
J. F. Oberlin University is one of the global hubs of the United Nations Academic Impact Chancellor Satow had an interview with the UNAI newsletter. A global initiative of Secretary-General Ban, UNAI allies the United Nations with institutions of higher education and research throughout the world.
The International Association of University Presidents (IAUP), mentioned in the interview, is an association of university chief executives from higher education institutions around the world. IAUP is an NGO holding the highest consultation rights at the United Nations and formal consultation rights with UNESCO. IAUP has been involved with the UN Academic Impact Program since its very beginning. Chancellor Satow is the President-elect of IAUP and will host the association’s triennial conference in Yokohama in June.