2014 is the 120th anniversary of the renowned Beijing Opera actor, Mei Lanfang’s birth. To mark this, Mei Baojiu will give a lecture touching on the fascination of Beijing Opera in the Mei School of Arts, the Japan tour of Mei Lanfang, and performing arts exchanges between Japan and China. Baojiu is Langfang’s youngest son and succeeded his father as leader of the Mei School Arts. He is also an Honorary Doctor of Literature at J. F. Oberlin University. A variety of experts from the Education Office of the Chinese Embassy in Japan, Waseda University, and J. F. Oberlin University will participate in this event.
Dr. Yuan Yingming, an Associate Professor of the College of Performing and Visual Arts in J. F. Oberlin will perform in a Beijing Opera.
Date and time | Saturday, October 11 (Doors open at 13:30 and the lecture starts at 14:00.) |
Venue | Hitotsubashi Hall, 2F National Center of Sciences, 2-1-2 Hitotsubashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo |
365在线体育投注-【官网直营】@ | Japanese and Chinese (Simultaneous interpretation between the two will be provided.) |
Admission | Free |
Capacity | 500 seats (To make a reservation, please click here.) |
For further information, please contact the International Center Office at 042-797-9764 or send an email to intl@obirin.ac.jp.