Launches a new “Summer Session 2017”

Feb 23, 2017

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We are pleased to inform you that we have launched a brand new “Summer Session 2017”. From July 2 to July 28, 2017, we will offer a 4-week content-based intensive program for international students at the undergraduate level.

We will offer 2 Business courses and 2 Cultural courses, all of which are a part of JFOU’s regular curriculum. We will cover wide aspects of business and culture in the context of Japan and Asia pacific. The classes are taught in English by experienced faculty members from J. F. Oberlin University, in addition to visiting professors from Japanese university and our partner institutions. Japanese classes can be taken as an optional course. We will also organize extracurricular activities such as field trips, culture programs and site visits to experience Tokyo and Japan. 

All the information about our 2017 Summer Session is available at 
Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at


Program fee: JPY 360,000
-The JFOU Fellowship (JPY 20,000) is available for participants from JFOU partner schools, including IAUP and ACUCA.

The fee includes
1. 2 courses
2. Housing fee
3. Airport pickup
4. Domestic insurance

Not include
1. Airplane tickets
2. Commuting cost between J. F. Oberlin University and housing
3. Living expenses and meals
4. Text book
5. Japanese 365在线体育投注-【官网直营】@ Course(JPY 30,000)


? July 1st – Arrival
? July 2nd -Orientation
? July 3rd -Session starts
? July 28th -Session ends

How to Apply

Application period
– Feb 17th – April 16th

Required documents

– Copy of passport
– Completed medical form (You can download a format after Sign Up)
– Official transcript from your current school

Course Guide

Choose 2 courses out of 4 (Japanese 365在线体育投注-【官网直营】@ courses are optipnal)
① 2 Business courses (90 minutes × 30 meetings, 4 credits)
② 2 Cultural courses (90 minutes × 30 meetings, 4 credits )
③ 1 Business course + 1 Cultural course (90 minutes × 30 meetings, 4 credits)

[Business courses]
International Management Ⅰ
Prof. Helen de Haan (Rotterdam Business School) / Prof. Kiyoshi Hori (J. F. Oberlin University)
International Management Ⅱ
Prof. Helen de Haan (Rotterdam Business School) / Prof. Kiyoshi Hori (J. F. Oberlin University)

[Cultural courses]
Japanese Culture
Prof. Yuko Kawanishi (J. F. Oberlin University)
Prof. Yoshiko Nozaki (Gakushuin University) / Prof. Hiromitsu Inokuchi (Senshu University)

[Japanese 365在线体育投注-【官网直营】@ Option]
JapaneseⅠ, JapaneseⅡ
Japanese Ⅰ: This course is for those who have never studies Japanese language.
Japanese Ⅱ: This course is for those who have studies Japanese language

Contact us

J. F. Oberlin University & Affiliated Schools
Office of International Programs

Email :