So I may have just won not one, but two awards at my university's annual karaoke competition! There were 17 acts - all foreign students singing a Japanese language song - and I was up last; I was feeling a lot of pressure to end the competition with a bang! There was a lot of anticipation leading up to that moment, and it was great to sing along with the other contestants when I knew the song. In this way, I was able to keep my voice warm; having only had one practice, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to hit the high notes when it came my turn to perform. I was very impressed with all the contestants, to be able to get up on that stage and sing; it took a lot of courage. When I finally stood up to sing, it was a little surreal; it felt like I was having an out of body experience. I think that was the most connected I’d ever felt to Yuzu’s “Eiko no Kakehashi”. My voice just seemed to lead the way; my body and mind weren’t important. Waiting for the results, I really wasn’t expecting to win anything, so when I received the audience choice award I was so humbled. After that I was really interested to see who had won the overall prize, and when it was me, I couldn't believe it! I was honestly very surprised, and very grateful; all the contestants put in an amazing effort, and it was such a fun day; I was exhausted and elated at the same time. I love karaoke and I love to sing, but it has always been just a hobby; I never really thought that my voice anything special. Winning this award tells me that I am a good singer, and that makes me feel very happy. I can keep on singing to my family and friends, and even to new people, and know that they really do enjoy my voice. I personally want to thank the organisers, the judges, and everyone who attended to watch and help out; with your support, we could make it a special day. Now I have to contend with a most difficult decision... who will I take with me to Disneyland I wonder?
出場順 | 氏名 | 曲目 | 歌手名 | 国籍等 | 所属 |
1 | Altanbagana Dulguun Bayart-Od Tsolmon | チェリー | スピッツ | モンゴル モンゴル | リベラルアーツ 学群 リベラルアーツ 学群 |
2 | 白 馨怡 | にじいろ | 絢香 | 中国 | 留学生別科 |
3 | 鄭 少賓 | 抱きしめて | MAYDAY | 中国 | 交換留学 |
4 | 金 イアン | Danzen! ふたりは プリキュア | 五條真由美 | 韓国 | 交換留学 |
5 | 朱 奕君 | ひとつぶの涙 | Kiroro | 中国 | 大学院 |
6 | Nguyen Ngo Huyen Tran Tran Thi Thanh Ngoc | 風になる | つじあやの | ベトナム ベトナム | 交換留学 交換留学 |
7 | 李 晨皓 | 桜色舞うころ | 中島美嘉 | 中国 | 交換留学 |
8 | 張 玉龍 | Love Story | 安室奈美恵 | 中国 | 交換留学 |
9 | 張 程皓 | 夜桜お七 | 坂本冬美 | 中国 | 留学生別科 |
10 | 陳 加 | せーのっ! | 情報処理部 | 香港 | リベラルアーツ 学群 |
11 | 洪 揚 | 366日 | HY | 中国 | 大学院 |
12 | Bui thu Phuong | 感謝状 ~母への メッセージ~ | 島津亜矢 | ベトナム | 留学生別科 |
13 | 潘 正盈 | 三日月 | 絢香 | 中国 | ビジネス マネジメント 学群 |
14 | Ware Monique | ハルカカナタ | UNLIMITS | アメリカ | 交換留学 |
15 | 鄭 茜文 | First Love | 宇多田ヒカル | 中国 | 芸術文化学群 |
16 | Ngin Borith | らいおんハート | SMAP | カンボジア | リベラルアーツ 学群 |
17 | Anderson Joel | 栄光の架橋 | ゆず | オーストラリア | 大学院 |
桜美林大学WebマガジンOBIRINER PLUSでも第5回留学生による日本語カラオケ大会の記事を掲載しています。あわせてご覧ください。
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