

グローバル?コミュニケーション学群 ブリュースター デイモン

ブリュースター デイモン Brewster, Damon


Introduction to Global Society (History of English)(E); Test Skills (TOEIC CEFR-B1; Passport Course (Study Abroad - TOEFL iBT preparation); 365在线体育投注-【官网直营】@ & Culture (Eigo Enshu IV)

I was born in the north west of England and have worked at J. F. Oberlin as an English language teacher since 2005. Working as a language teacher is a very rewarding job, as I can meet and communicate with so many interesting students each year and see them develop their communication skills. Professionally, I am interested in motivation in language learning, critical discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, and the history of English. When not at work, you will find me gardening, reading, cooking, or watching football.
